Should businesses focus on websites or mobile apps?

Should businesses focus on websites or mobile apps?

When developing a digital solution for the first time, a business often should first answer this question: is it going to be a website or a mobile app? This is not a simple preference question, so let’s dive into it.

Let’s take e-commerce for example. You want to create a marketplace where people will be selling organic farmer products. Your clients are individuals that want to shop more ethically and support local farmers. What will your customers prefer: shop on the web or on their smartphones?

To answer this, one should run market research and interview the target audience to study their preferences. In this case with the farmer marketplace, a mobile app will be the best option because it will be more convenient compared to a website. Look at this from your customer’s perspective: using a smartphone, they can shop when commuting from work in order to save time. Or they can shop when in bed going to sleep and suddenly remembering that the fridge is empty and guests are coming over tomorrow.

Although some experts say that the e-commerce industry doesn’t need mobile apps because users hate downloading new apps that end up taking too much memory on their phones. It’s also believed that online shoppers are more likely to make the purchase using their laptop or PC after searching on their mobile devices. However, this isn’t always the case as you can see.

Recently we’ve created such a mobile marketplace for a Swedish farmer community. It meets all of their customers’ needs and makes the shopping experience easy and enjoyable. We’re proud to help launch such a great project and will continue, in the words of our client, to understand the client’s business challenges and work to come up with solutions to help them.

We also thank Google for interviewing our client and preparing a review to feature on their platform.

UPD: Aside from our latest review on Clutch, we’re also excited to share with you a recent acknowledgment from The Manifest, a blog platform dedicated to providing B2B wisdom to users. We are incredibly proud and thankful to have our other service focuses highlighted by industry professionals. We can’t wait to climb the ranks even higher.

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